Jackson Mets to Hold a Reunion

A group of former Jackson Mets players and staff will be holding a reunion in Jackson on April 1st and 2nd. The late Bill Hetrick along with Kerry Kendall-Hrabstock planned the event for 2020 but had to postpone due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Many of the former players have also been involved in the planning.
Some of the former players that are tentatively planning to attend include Barry Lyons, Calvin Schiraldi, Billy Beane, Darryl Strawberry, Randy Myers, DeWayne Vaughn and two-time Texas League manager of the year, Sam Perlozzo. Over 40 players and staff will be attending.
Friday, April 1st players will participate in a golf outing and that evening there will be a dinner held at the Jackson Hilton. Saturday morning the group will gather at the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and Museum to greet fans and friends from the time they spent with the Double A team of the New York Mets. Doors will open at 10am and the meet and greet will go until noon. Regular museum admission will be charged.

The Public is invited to attend the Saturday morning gathering. There will be players from the Mets tenure in Jackson which ran from 1975 through 1990. During that time the Mets were one of the top producers of talent in the Minor Leagues. Over 100 players during that time played in the major leagues.